In-ToxX + Nikola Marinov - First Encounter (2009)

In-ToxX + Nikola Marinov - First Encounter (2009)

26-02-2009 / Hardcore

According unwritten law, we skip January and happen to begin the year with a release in February. First of all happy new year to everyone who's still checking our label, we can assure you we're preparing a lot of great music for 2009 so keep downloading from ODP, we've got more things to say via meaningful Bulgarian underground music. A site reconstruction is in process, our releases will be structured, things will be added and removed from the page. But you'll see it when it's done. Let's present you the first 2009 release.
We ended 2008 with a poweful gabber compilation now we are opening the new 'season' with a Bulgarian gabber split. In-toxX and Nikola Marinov combined their efforts and made this killer release. Each artists participates with two tracks. What to expect from the 'First Encounter'. Aggression, darkness, sonic destruction... and if this is not enough we should say a lot of experimentalism is involved in all four tracks in the release. So don't your waste your time reading this crap anymore. Just click below and encounter Bulgarian gabber! Special thanks go to DJ Zwelwe from our brothers for the amazing artwork of the split!
A1 - Nikola Marinov - (In)Sanity
A2 - NIkola Marinov - Beyond The Darkness
B1 - In-Toxx - First Encounter
B2 - In-Toxx -Deathails (Dedicated To Kali)