VA - Ground Zero 2009 DVD
Op zaterdag 4 juli 2009 veranderde het mystieke recreatiegebied bij
Bussloo in de grootste Independence Day viering die Europa ooit heeft
meegemaakt. Opnieuw groeide Ground Zero Festival uit tot n van de
geruchtmakende harde festivals van deze zomer.
Deze geweldige nacht is nu vereeuwigd op de Ground Zero 2009 DVD.
Op deze propvolle schijf vind je een compleet overzicht van het hele festival
inclusief beelden van elke area.
Go find the easter eggs!
Prepare yourself to step into the drivers seat as you are taken on a journey to the
greatest outdoor festival in the world. Ground Zero 2009, Bussloo Netherlands. Immerse
yourself in 10 stages of pure musical mayhem, and engage in a wide range of sights and
sounds and wild performances that characterized this year's edition of Ground Zero.
01. Main Report - The complete festival, stage by stage.
02. Behind the Scenes - Witness the pre party preparation, and get a personal feel
of the people involved first hand in creating Ground Zero 2009.
03. Select Scene - Looking for a stage in particular from which to start your
experience? Choose here to find your style.
04. Trailers - The 2 versions of the Ground Zero promotional trailers.
DATE : 14/10/2008
GENRE : Hardstyle to hardcore
AUDIO : [X] English [ ] French [ ] Spanish [ ] German
[ ] Swedish [ ] Finnish [ ] Hungarian [ ] Italian
[ ] Dutch [ ] Russian [ ] Flemish
[ ] DTS [ ] 5.1 DD [X] 2.0 DD
VIDEO : [X] Untouched
[ ] Re-encoded
[ ] Passes @ kbps
ASPECT : [ ] 4x3
[X] 16x9
EXTRAS : [ ] All Included
[X] Partial Stripped
[ ] Fully Stripped
[ ] None On Source
MENU : [X] Untouched
[ ] Stripped
[ ] Partial Strip
[ ] Edited Where Needed