'downloading' tag in site news
Out new filehost - rapidgator
11/01/2012 - 21:26
Since our FTP-server was disabled due to traffic limits we started to search new download service. After some exploration we discovered some nice filehosts. After about a month of various tests, we choosed Rapidgator.net Rapidgator unlike other filehosts offers long file life, a lot of space storage and high upload speed. It's secure and safe. Let's test it with all of you together.
downloading, rapidgator -
End of FTP, moving further
08/26/2012 - 22:26
Today got FPT-server disabled due to traffic limit exhausted. For last 10 days FTP visitors downloaded about 980 GB with 12000 downloads for free. As I wrote there was a test, we got some experience/statistics: Serving fast... read more
downloading, ftp -
Fresh news
08/15/2012 - 14:09
Hi 2 all. During my vacation I thought about current situation with oron.com, gabber.od.ua and various download/upload schemes. Oron.com ordered by judge to pay award to gay adult company Corbin Fisher $550,000 Oron.com's bank account are frozen, so their hosting is diabled, soon their accounts will be unfrozen and they'll pay for hosting, and will back online. According to court decicion... read more
downloading, ftp, oron -
FileSonic RIP, temporary solution
01/23/2012 - 12:54
After recent MegaUpload shut down, suddenly some of the filehosts like FileSonic, FileServe, etc changed their policy and functionality to avoid of Megaupload destiny. While filesonic closed its sharing functionality (termporary or not) we uploaded latest releases on bitshare, its temporary step, until filesonic will back or we find new file host (with ftp upload) or other way. We should... read more
downloading, filesonic -
2012 bad & good news
01/22/2012 - 11:08
Good 2012 news are: SOPA... read more
downloading, megaupload -
02/28/2011 - 23:07
Today our hotfile.com account has been terminated. Because of new hotfile.com politics. It's a bad news for premium hotfile users. Starting from today no more hotfile on our website. Our new main hosting is FileSonic.com (and sometimes megaupload) Last 500 releases will be reuploaded very quickly. Older releases a bit later, just finished script that will automatically reupload and replace... read more
downloading, hotfle, filesonic