'maintenance' tag in site news
We are online!!!!
02/12/2009 - 18:45
So after a week of disfunction we're back.. We had a bad hosting on servers, and servers were bad, support more bad. In process of time, there were more and more errors, the site was down almost all time. At finish hoster disabled our site and others on that server, explaining because of DDOS attack on server. We should back online shortly, but we couldn't retrieve database and files from... read more
gabber.od.ua, maintenance -
Some troubles
11/26/2008 - 23:56
Already some days we have some troubles with sql database, because site and its queries are greatly hangs whole sql-server, so when we discover and solve this problem, site may not function properly, and now some blocks, menus disabled, and restricted some large pages.
gabber.od.ua, maintenance -
Due to hosting works, site wasn't worked properly last time
10/07/2008 - 09:59
Due to hosting works, site wasn't worked properly last time, now works will continue, but you can visit great 0-day source of hardcore, hardstyle music here: http://1gabba.net while we preparing new posts.
gabber.od.ua, maintenance